5 tips for celebrating Black History Month
Happy BHM 2022 everyone! October 2022 marks the 34th year of BHM UK, a celebration started by Linda Bellos OBE when she was leader of Lambeth Council.
BHM was inspired by the lack of knowledge, awareness and understanding back in 1987, of Black lives, histories, and achievements. This lack of knowledge allows stereotypes, bias and discrimination to flourish. BHM is a time to bring focus and attention to the wider range of stories often untold about the lives of people past and present who are part of the African diaspora.
Of course in reality every month is BHM, it has to be, as the stories untold go back way beyond enslavement to the very start of human history. As we prepare activities to celebrate and discover the unknown, keep this list of tips close to your heart:
Remember Black history is vast and multi-layered, use that premise as an opportunity to explore stories, art, music, architecture, people, advocacy and so much more. Be ambitious with your ideas for content.
The African diaspora covers the planet! From Africa to the Caribbean, the Americas, Europe and beyond. Dive deep to discover the breadth of African influence and the beauty of the cultures.
Yes, invite people in to assist with organising, planning and delivery of activities etc. But remember BHM is not an opportunity for free labour from Black people including emotional work right through to consultancy.
Make no assumptions about who may be interested in taking part, invite everyone to participate and remember, not all People of Colour will want to participate, there is a huge amount of diversity in terms of opinions and perspectives.
“Time for change - actions not words”, are the theme for BHM 2022. Go beyond discussion to take action, use your power as an individual, a company, collective or network and undertake an action to improve equity and equality.
Happy Black History Month!