Women, Space and Equity

In conjunction with Women’s History Month, Built By Us is holding an inspiring and celebratory event on Wednesday 29th March 2023 featuring inspirational women leading change in the Built Environment on the theme of 'Women & Space’. 

The built environment plays a crucial role in achieving gender equality from improving the safety and well-being of women to the transportation and infrastructure women have access to. 

Historically, Cities have been planned and designed for men and by men who have often reinforced traditional gender roles and gendered division of labour. The lack of female representation in urban planning and design is detrimental, as it results in buildings and cities not considering the needs and uses of a diverse population when diversity should be at the heart of planning. Inequality is spatially reinforced by design, from our systems all the way down to individual public spaces.

We have made substantial progress in the strides for gender equality, but we still have a long way to go. António Guterres cautioned that ‘gender equality is growing more distant’ and called for ‘collective action’ to bridge divides. He warned the increasingly distant goal of gender equality will take another three centuries to achieve.

In the Built Environment, the lack of women in senior roles needs to be addressed urgently and lip service must be replaced with tangible actions. Women need to be heard at the top and be a part of decision-making to effect real change in the industry and the built environment. How can there be a diversity of opinions if senior representation is not representative? Lindsay Hart from Turley states “a focus on design and development with women’s safety at the heart of decision-making should be prioritised alongside other areas of inclusivity, and sustainability, as a key aspect of building back better”.

Join us at the Women & Space event to learn and explore projects and ideas selected by panellists which demonstrate design excellence in inclusive design.

The Panel 

Why attend?

  • Celebrate best practice

  • Discover examples of women-centred design which is intersectional in approach

  • Advocate for design excellence in creating inclusive environments.

When: Wednesday 29th March at 7 pm

Where: Online visit to book your place  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-space-tickets-585042336377

Notes and further information

The World Bank has created the Handbook for Gender-Inclusive Urban Planning and Design encourages gender-inclusive planning and design, which actively includes the voice of women, girls, and sexual and gender minorities. The publication seeks to fill the clear gap between policy and practice, intention and action, by showing why and how to incorporate gender inclusion into urban planning and design.


Five-question interview with Feix and Merlin for Built By Us


Five Question Interview (5QI) with Joshua Mardell & Adam Nathaniel Furman