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Architecture Decolonised | Creating Spatial Inclusion
Architects and historians are working to reimagine and redesign these spaces to reflect histories told from one perspective, seeking greater diversity, inclusion, and equity. Their work draws on the research and testimony of those often unheard and the lived experience of Black, Indigenous People of Colour and Mixed Heritage to challenge narratives which do not amplify the voices of those impacted by colonial thinking. ...
Creating an Equitable and Green Tomorrow
A Just Transition in the built environment is vital for addressing climate change while ensuring social equity. We can create resilient communities and drive economic growth by focusing on sustainable practices, reducing emissions, and promoting green skills.
Women, Space and Equity
In the Built Environment, the lack of women in senior roles needs to be addressed urgently and lip service must be replaced with tangible actions. Women need to be heard at the top and be a part of decision-making to effect real change in the industry. How can there be a diversity of opinions if senior representation is not representative?